Thunderbolt Fantasy Wiki
Thunderbolt Fantasy Wiki

Subterfuge is not always about lurking in the darkness. Some shadows remain hidden in the light. A hair's breadth separates truth from lies. And none will gaze beyond the illusion to see my true face.


Lǐn Xuě Yā (凜雪鴉, Rin Setsu A, "Austere Snow Crow") is a recurring deuteragonist in Thunderbolt Fantasy and a supporting character in Thunderbolt Fantasy: The Sword of Life and Death. A master thief and skilled illusionist, he often goes by his alias, Guǐ Niǎo (鬼鳥, Kichō, "Phantom Bird").


  • Illusions
  • Meteor Walking
  • Swordsmanship: Lǐn Xuě Yā prefers to operate under the guise of going about his day-to-day unarmed. He is, however, a skilled and accomplished swordsman, and his sword, Yān Yuè (煙月, Engetsu, "Misty Moon"), is "sheathed" in his signature pipe.
    • White Heavens: Lunar Crater Vapor Technique
  • Medicine: When Shāng Bù Huàn is poisoned by Xiē Yīng Luò, Lǐn not only has the resources on-hand to narrow down the source of the poison but the know-how for creating the antidote.
  • Item Enchantment and Forgery


  1. Thunderbolt Fantasy: Sword Seekers 2 - Official Visual Fan Book